Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Restructuring Consciousness

Writing has restructured the way in which we communicate and process information. We have evolved different ways of effectively sharing our ideas, transitioning from oral communication to written form. With the emergence of the Electronic Age we are now adapting to modern outlets of ideas such as computers. Throughout the history of writing, the medium through which it is conveyed transitions to the best available technology. Various materials including rocks, animal skin, papyrus, dried vegetation, paper, etc. have been used to write. Currently as mentioned in "10 Reading Revolutions Before E-Books" by Tim Carmody the Electronic Age and computing has largely impacted written communication. There are so many forms through which ideas can be transmitted, “Entire new families of audiovisual media, transmitted wirelessly or on discs, cylinders, reels, and cassettes, became more essential to culture even as text continued to proliferate exponentially” (Carmody, 1). Although the medium through which we receive information has evolved it only improves our ability to learn. The transition from paper to electronic form is similar to that of oral to written form. Plato had strong feeling against writing because he believed it weakened the mind, just as what it though of the computer today. The electronic age and computing has without a doubt restructured our consciousness.

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